Unused umats %d Unused vects at the end %d Unused verts at the end %d Unused edges at the end %d Unused pedgs at the end %d Unused pgons at the end %d 3D model seems to be correct Vect %d and %d are the same Z limits are not exact Z limits are wrong Y limits are not exact Y limits are wrong X limits are not exact X limits are wrong Unused vertices in edges %d Wrong coor[%d] value: %d Unused edges in pedgs %d Edge %d used more than twice in polygons Closed body and pgon%1d <= 0 (%3d) in edge %d Invalid pgon%1d (%3d) in edge %d Wrong edge %3d (vert %3d --> vert %3d) Twice the same neighbouring polygon (%3d) in edge %3d Wrong color index %d in edge %d Unused vectors %d Multiple used pedgs in polygons %d Unused pedgs in polygons %d Warning: Pedgs used in same direction Pedgs used in same direction %d Curved flag set for body without any curved pgon Curved flag not set for body with curved pgon Degenerated (Zero area) pgon %3d Wrong edge list ( 0,.) in pgon %3d Wrong edge list direction in hole of pgon %3d Wrong edge list direction in pgon %3d Opposite edge list direction in pgon %3d Wrong edge list (.,0 or 0,.) in pgon %3d Wrong cpols in convex pgon %3d Wrong edge in pgon %3d (%3d) [%3d..%3d] Normal vector and edge %3d (pedg %3d) is not perpendicular in pgon %3d (%g) Zero length edge in pgon %3d (vert %3d, %3d) Two apices are identical in pgon %3d (pedg %3d) Edge list is not continuous in pgon %3d (%3d) Neighbouring pgon (%3d) not marked in edge %3d Edge %3d used for more than two polygons Wrong edge list (...0) in pgon %d Wrong edge list (0...) in pgon %d Wrong lpedg %d in pgon %d Wrong fpedg %d in pgon %d Wrong ivect %d in pgon %d Wrong iumat index %d in pgon %d Wrong irtxt index %d in pgon %d Not unit vector %d Zero vector %d Wrong lvect !!! Wrong fvect !!! No vectors Wrong lvert !!! Wrong fvert !!! No verts Wrong ledge !!! Wrong fedge !!! No edges No pedges Wrong lpgon !!! Wrong fpgon !!! Pedgs without any polygon No polygons Euler chacteristic %d Wrong wrap value %d Wrong color index %d in body Wrong iumat index %d in body Wrong iumat(light) index %d in shadow body Wrong irtxt index %d Wrong irtxt(father) %d in shadow body Empty body ***DNCheck body %4d (TYPE %5d) ***DNCheck shadow body %4d ***DNCheck deleted body %4d ***Memory error, can not allocate work space *** For Special menu only ***